Unlock Your Strength with the Best 1RM Calculator

πŸ‹οΈ One Rep Max (1RM) Calculator

You can utilize our 1RM mini-computer to gauge how much weight you can lift in a one-rep extreme. Just enter the number of reiterations you can finish with a given weight (in any unit) and hit Enter to find your one-rep greatest and your 1-10RM.

What is a 1RM calculator?

The 1RM calculator guides users to establish their best possible single-lift weight regarding any specific exercise. The 1RM calculator determines your one-rep most extreme (1RM) through a weight-repetition-based formula. The software program makes it easy for users to establish their strength goals and create training plans while measuring their results.

What positions do you stand at regarding squat, bench press, and deadlift strength about others?

The Strength Log application from 45,158 users allowed the calculation of median 1RMs for these lifts.

What Should I Lift as a Percentage of My One Rep Max?

Depending on your objective, the progressive overload type of your training plan, and even the day or phase of that program you’re in, the answer to this question might vary greatly. Completely in the dark? The most often used beginning points for percentages, sets, and repetitions for particular objectives are as follows:

  • Power and speed: 50–60%, 3–5 repetitions per set
  • 70–80% muscle mass, 8–12 repetitions each set
  • Strength: 3–5 repetitions per set, 85–95 percent

However, neither those figures nor the conventional bodybuilding sets and rep pattern of three sets of eight to twelve repetitions at 70 to 75 percent is particularly impressive. You’re probably missing out on muscular gains if that’s all you do! Adam Gonzalez, Ph.D., a professional bodybuilder and researcher, suggests alternating training “blocks” of 10–12 repetitions at 70% with blocks of higher intensity, such as 3-5 repetitions at 90%, for 4–8 weeks.

How to Calculate One-Rep Max

Estimation techniques or direct testing are frequently used to measure your 1RM. Every strategy has unique steps, benefits, and factors to take into account.

Measurement Directly

Through a process of trial and error, direct measuring entails physically evaluating the highest Weight you are capable of lifting for a single repetition. The following actions are frequently included:

  • Warm-Up: Start with an exhaustive get-ready to set up your joints and muscles.
  • Introductory Weight Choice: Settle on a beginning weight that is 50-70% of your expected 1RM.
  • Incremental Increases: Do one rep, take a three to five-minute break, and then increase the Weight by five to ten percent. Do this again.
  • Maximizing Your Effort: Until you are unable to perform a lift with perfect form, keep adding Weight.
  • How to Record Your 1RM: Your 1RM is the heaviest weight you have ever successfully lifted in a single full repetition.

You can measure your One-Rep Max directly, and it’s easy to do and rather accurate. The entire process is time-consuming and taxing because it is physically demanding and necessitates sufficient recovery time in between efforts.

Methods of Estimation

Estimation techniques are frequently chosen due to the dangers of maximal lifts, particularly for novices or people with specific medical issues. Mathematical formulas that forecast maximal strength based on submaximal performance are used to estimate the 1RM. The following are the steps:

Select a weight that you can lift repeatedly: Three to ten repetitions are ideal.

  • Carry out repetitions: Perform as many repetitions as you can while maintaining perfect technique.
  • Compute: After keeping track of the Weight lifted and the number of repetitions, estimate your 1RM calculator similar to the one above.

Numerous algorithms based on submaximal lifts have been developed to estimate your 1RM. Among the three most often utilized are:

Epley Formula:

1RM = Weight Lifted Γ— (1 +
No. of Repetitions)
Brzycki Formula:
1RM = Weight Lifted Γ—
37 – No. of Repetitions
Lombardi Formula:
1RM = Weight Lifted Γ— (No. of Repetitions)0.10

Calculations for all three formulas are available in the calculator above. To choose your preferred formula and compare the variations between them, click the options.

Simple Methods for Figuring Out Your 1RM

For precision, choose a weight that you can lift for a few repetitionsβ€”no more than ten. Count the number of times you can perform the lift with proper form.

  • Estimate your one-rep maximum (1RM) using the formula.
  • For instance, if you can squat 100 kg for 8 repetitions:
  • 100 Γ— 8 / 30.48 + 100 1RM β‰ˆ 126.3 kg = 1RM
  • Therefore, your approximate 1RM for squats is 126.3 kg.

Your actual 1RM may differ slightly. Always be cautious and get assistance from a trainer if necessary.


Knowing your one-rep maximum (1RM) is a useful tool for monitoring your strength development and making the most of your training sessions. Understanding your 1RM calculator enables you to create training objectives and lift safely, regardless of whether you utilize estimation algorithms or direct testing.

Estimating your maximum lift without the dangers of heavy-weight testing is simple with our 1RM calculator. To see results right away, enter your Weight and repetitions. Always remember that safety comes first; warm up before lifting, practice good form, and seek advice from a fitness professional if you’re unsure.


What method of calculating the 1RM calculator is the most accurate?
The best formula for estimating 1RM
Load Γ— (36 / (37 – repetitions)) Brzycki
Epley: 1 + 0.0333 Γ— repetitions Γ— load
Lander: (101.3 – 2.67123 Γ— repetitions) / (100 Γ— load)
Load Γ— reps, Lombardi.
(100 Γ— load) / (52.2 + (41.9 Γ— e-0.055 Γ— repetitions) is what Mayhew et al.
Load Γ— (1 + 0.025 Γ— reps) O’Conner et al.

How is the 1RM calculator applied in training?
90% of your prior 1RM should be loaded onto the bar to do a bodybuilding-style 1RM test. Don’t worry if you have never tested your 1RM previously. Just pick a weight you believe you can lift three to five times.

What is the rule of the 1RM calculator?
One-repetition maximum, sometimes referred to as 1RM or one-rep max, is the most weight a person can lift in a single repetition while weight training. It can also be thought of as the greatest force that can be produced in a single maximal contraction.

What makes a 1RM calculator significant?
The bottom line. Knowing your 1RM calculator for various exercises can be helpful if strength training is something you’re interested in. Depending on how many repetitions you complete in a training program.

What does fitness muscle strength mean?
Muscular strength is measured by your capacity to lift weights or apply force. Muscular endurance refers to the number of times you can raise that Weight before you’re exhausted.